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OMG this is so easy and so good!  It kind of reminds me of an Orange Julius but a little hit of chocolate. And it’s healthy because it has fresh squeezed orange juice in it, right?  It’s a great way to get more Vitamin C.

Chocolate Orange Martini

2 oz. Fresh Squeezed Oranges
1 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Chocolate Liqueur
1 oz. Orange Liqueur
Garnish with Orange Wheel

Start by using the citrus reamer to juice an orange.  Add ice to a cocktail shaker.  Add 2 oz. orange juice to the jigger and place the fine mesh strainer on the cocktail shaker. Pour the orange juice into the strainer, then add the vodka, chocolate liqueur and orange liqueur.  Shake well and then strain into a cocktail glass. Place an orange wheel on the rim.  Cheers!!

You could add more chocolate liqueur if you wanted more chocolate flavor, or more vodka depending on what kind of day you’ve had.



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